GMDC OBS MOCK 1 MCQ 172 ALL THE BEST THANK YOU AND HOPE IT WAS A GOOD ASSESSMENT FOR YOU. KINDLY PROCEED TO PART 2 Quiz 1 / 20 Hyperprolactinemia can be treated with the following Cabergoline Bromocriptine All the above none of the above Quinagolide 2 / 20 Which of the following are not important factors affecting dizygotic twinning? Genetics factors Increasing maternal age Smoking In vitro ferilization Ovulation induction 3 / 20 The following are less common after vaginal delivery Risk of placenta praevia Rate of urinary incontinence Rate of pelvic organ prolapse Sub fertility Post-natal depression 4 / 20 Madam AB, Para 2 with 1 previous CS presents with lower abdominal pain. Examination reveals lower abdominal tenderness and foetal tachycardia. Which of these is the most likely diagnosis? None of the above Abruptio placentae Uterine hyper stimulation Uterine rupture UTI 5 / 20 What is unlikely to happen in a foetus delivered by CS none of the above breastfeeding problems poor maternal bonding respiratory distress iatrogenic prematurity 6 / 20 In the investigation of a suspected ectopic pregnancy laparoscopy is always necessary the diagnosis is usually obvious after the history serum beta hCG estimation is of limited value a vaginal USG scan is useful patient will be anaemic 7 / 20 Clue cells are diagnostic of G. vaginalis Herpes Neisseria gonorrhea Trichomonas 8 / 20 Causes of fetal tachycardia includes the following except: Chorioamnionitis Cord prolapse Hyperthyriodisom Fetal tchyarrythmia 9 / 20 Which of the following is not a feature of Ovarian the coma Associated with endometrial hyperplasia Are usually bilateral Are benign tumors Are functional ovarian tumours 10 / 20 The overall risk of developing ectopic pregnancy is increased in patients who have had the following, except A previous ectopic Bilateral tubal ligation Pelvic surgery Tubal surgery for infertility Pelvic infection 11 / 20 The pudendal nerve lies in the lateral wall of the ischiorectal fossa. supplies branches to the internal anal sphincter gives off the inferior rectal nerve leaves the pelvis through the lesser sciatic foramen supplies the superficial and deep perineal muscles 12 / 20 Which of the following does not cause primary amenorrhea? Low vaginal atresia Turner's Syndrome Hyperthyriodism Ovarian Granulosa Cell Tumor Craniopharyngioma 13 / 20 The following are recurrent indications for performing caesarean section Previous myomectomy All of the above Major degree placenta previa Obstructive tumour in the pelvis Previous cephalopelvic disproportion 14 / 20 Regarding semen collection for semen analysis The semen should be collected into a condom It should always be collected at night The male partner should abstain from sex 2-5 days before the collection None of the above It reaches the lab within 10hours 15 / 20 Bleeding in early pregnancy could be caused by all except, An ectopic pregnancy Low lying placenta Invasive carcinoma of the cervix Hydatidiform mole Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 16 / 20 Hyperprolactinemia is associated with following except Vaginal intercourse Posterior pituitary adenoma Secondary amenorrhoea Osteoporosis Lactation 17 / 20 Secondary Dysmenorrhea is due to History of Pelvic pathology High levels of Oestrogen Excessive PGF2a activity High levels of Progesterone 18 / 20 In Anaemia in pregnancy Serum Ferritin is increased Normal MCV excludes Folate deficiency Serum folate is a more sensitive indicator of folate deficiency MCV is the most sensitive indicator of Iron deficiency Anaemia 19 / 20 Luteinizing hormone (LH) Surge occurs after ovulation Is plasma protein bound Has three subunits Is a glycoprotein Has a beta subunit identical to that of FSH 20 / 20 Transport of glucose across the placenta is by Active transport Osmosis Endocytosis Facilitated diffusion Simple diffusion Your score is Send feedback